Connecting PC5-52
(too old to reply)
2005-10-21 12:40:16 UTC
I've just bought a Alpine 9847R stereo and also a PC5-52 adapter for the
antenna in my 1996 Polo.

My question is, how do I connect the blue power cable from the adapter to
the head unit?
On the head unit connection, there are 2 blue coloured wires coming out from
one slot, the solid blue is antenna power, the blue/white(or grey) is for
the remote turn-on connection.
Is it OK to connect the blue power cable from the antenna adapter to this
remote turn-on wire, since they are connected into the same slot on the head
unit connection and provides power to both these cables(solid blue and

In-Car Express
2005-10-21 14:18:18 UTC
Post by Munish
On the head unit connection, there are 2 blue coloured wires coming out from
one slot, the solid blue is antenna power, the blue/white(or grey) is for
the remote turn-on connection.
Is it OK to connect the blue power cable from the antenna adapter to this
remote turn-on wire, since they are connected into the same slot on the head
unit connection and provides power to both these cables(solid blue and
Either wire will probably be OK, but the amp remote is relatively low
current capacity on some Alpine units, so the antenna remote is
probably the safer option.

In-Car Express http://www.incarexpress.co.uk
Car Audio | Security | Multimedia | Navigation
Tel. 01223 301212 Fax. 0870 7484 123
2005-10-21 15:51:38 UTC
Post by In-Car Express
Post by Munish
On the head unit connection, there are 2 blue coloured wires coming out from
one slot, the solid blue is antenna power, the blue/white(or grey) is for
the remote turn-on connection.
Is it OK to connect the blue power cable from the antenna adapter to this
remote turn-on wire, since they are connected into the same slot on the head
unit connection and provides power to both these cables(solid blue and
Either wire will probably be OK, but the amp remote is relatively low
current capacity on some Alpine units, so the antenna remote is
probably the safer option.
In-Car Express http://www.incarexpress.co.uk
Car Audio | Security | Multimedia | Navigation
Tel. 01223 301212 Fax. 0870 7484 123
Thanks for that Jon.

How do I connect the blue antenna adapter wire to the harness or the head
unit? Do I just put it in where the blue wire is going into the harness (pic
link below) and use insulating tape to secure it in, as this is the only way
I can see to connect it.

Loading Image...

Also, as you can see from the layouts below, the car connector and the
alpine wire harness connections do not match for the battery and ingition

I don't want to modify the wiring in the car. Is there a autoleads or other
harness that I can buy which will match the car wire layout. I have already
got the PC2-18-4 autoleads harness and the layout on this is similar to the
alpine harness, so that too does't match.

Only the yellow (battery) and the red (ignition) wires need to be swapperd
around. Is it possible to modify the autoleads PC2-18-4 harness.

car wire connector layout
|___|_Ignition_wire_|_Dash light dimmer_|_Ground wire_|
|___|____________|_______________|_Battery wire_|

Alpine harness connector wire layout
|___|_ Battery wire_| _________________|_Ground wire___|
|___|____________|_Antenna power wire_|_Ignition wire___|

In-Car Express
2005-10-24 15:45:03 UTC
Post by Munish
How do I connect the blue antenna adapter wire to the harness or the head
The best way would be to strip a bit of the insulation back on the
blue cable, wrap the bare end of the PC552 power feed around it,
solder and then insulate.
Post by Munish
Only the yellow (battery) and the red (ignition) wires need to be swapperd
Alpine head units normally have provision for doing this in the
original wiring harness. There are normally a couple of bullet
connectors inline that you can disconnect and swap over.

In-Car Express http://www.incarexpress.co.uk
Car Audio | Security | Multimedia | Navigation
Tel. 01223 301212 Fax. 0870 7484 123
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