2007-02-06 21:35:06 UTC
I'm going to go out on a limb here, but would a rangie classic (mid
eighties) be just a bunch of bare wires rather than a proprietory or ISO
connector block.
There is a possibility that I am going to try and go blind for one on
Ebay and I noticed it has no radio fitted, so that will be one of my
first purchaces, some sounds.
eighties) be just a bunch of bare wires rather than a proprietory or ISO
connector block.
There is a possibility that I am going to try and go blind for one on
Ebay and I noticed it has no radio fitted, so that will be one of my
first purchaces, some sounds.
Carl Robson
Audio stream: http://www.bouncing-czechs.com:8000/samtest
Homepage: http://www.bouncing-czechs.com
Now Playing at home:the Garden of Delight-The Relation Of Light To
Carl Robson
Audio stream: http://www.bouncing-czechs.com:8000/samtest
Homepage: http://www.bouncing-czechs.com
Now Playing at home:the Garden of Delight-The Relation Of Light To