Post by ChrisI have a Kenwood KRC-391 Head Unit and have bought a Kenwood KFC-W300S Sub
and a Box.
How do I wire it up to the Head Unit?
What Amp would I need to get that wouldn't break the bank. Currently I have
a 30W X 2 Channel Amp in the car, would this be able to power it? If so how
would I wire it up to it?
I am not familair with the KRC-391, but assume it has some pre-outs on the
In which case you need a 5 meter (or 3 meter if you have a Mini) RCA lead
with Y adapater on the end from front to boot of car, along with some proper
power line, direct from the battery **correctly fused** at the battery, and
grounded locally. tip- get an amp wiring kit.
Your 30wx2 amp is unlikely to be butch enough to power the sub- either get
something bridgeable to 1 channel in the region of 150w+ RMS or a dedicated
class D single channel amp of at least the same power. Whichever you choose
it must have alow pass filter (either fixed or adustable) Around 100-120Hz
is a starting point.
An amp which clips because you're overdriving it *will* damage the speaker.
More power is better than not enough.
Install the amp and use proper speaker wire to link it to the sub. Once
again the power must be hooked up properly. * We dont want any fires.*
Set the EQ on the HU to flat, and the gain on the amp intially at minimum.
Play your fave music at your normal listeing level and slowly turn the gain
on the sub amp up to around 60-80%. Then re-adjust your EQ to taste. Check
the clip / peak LED is only lighting breifly on the bass hits at your
intended full volume.
Thats an abridged set up procedure.