Connecting an ipod to a philips radio?
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El Badgerino
2006-04-04 12:14:34 UTC
Watcha, I've just bought a new car with a philips radio pretty much
well integrated into the dash. I'm trying to find the best way to
connect an ipod up to the radio.

So far I have:-

* Using a tape adapter
* Using an itrip or similar
* Connecting it to the stereo's cd changer port using an aux-in adapter
* Connecting it to the aerial port using an adapter (you can then
switch between ipod and radio)

My prefered option would be the aux in way, the only issue I have is
that no-one seems to do a cheap adapter allowing me to wire in my ipod
that works with a philips radio. The best my local place could come up
with was £117 for an adapter (I think it was a connects2 one)....

Any idea's / thoughts / opinions on the relative quality of the other

In-Car Express
2006-04-04 13:36:26 UTC
Post by El Badgerino
Watcha, I've just bought a new car with a philips radio pretty much
well integrated into the dash.
What vehicle?

In-Car Express http://www.incarexpress.co.uk
Car Audio | Security | Multimedia | Navigation
Tel. 01223 301212 Fax. 0870 7484123
El Badgerino
2006-04-04 14:15:05 UTC
It's a Renault Scenic (1998)

In-Car Express
2006-04-04 14:45:17 UTC
Post by El Badgerino
* Using a tape adapter
Poor quality, and can be unreliable with a lot of full-logic decks -
the tape slack cancelling in some units confuses the adaptor with a
tape that's badly wound, which can result in it spitting the tape back
out constantly.
Post by El Badgerino
* Using an itrip or similar
Illegal and, probably more importantly, potentially dangerous. We do
everything we can to deter people from using them.
Post by El Badgerino
* Connecting it to the aerial port using an adapter (you can then
switch between ipod and radio)#
You can do this, but the quality of FM modulators varies drastically,
from acceptable to utterly useless.
Post by El Badgerino
* Connecting it to the stereo's cd changer port using an aux-in adapter
There's no basic aux.input lead available for older D2B units as far
as I'm aware, so you'd have to use the ARNIPOD001 kit - which also
charges and gives basic track control. We do these at £90 - still not
especially cheap, but £27 less than you've been quoted.

In-Car Express http://www.incarexpress.co.uk
Car Audio | Security | Multimedia | Navigation
Tel. 01223 301212 Fax. 0870 7484123
El Badgerino
2006-04-04 15:48:18 UTC
Thanks for your reply Jon, this is pretty much well the conclusion I'm
coming to.

The arnipod thing sounds like the best bet based on functionality vs
cost, just a case of whether its worth the extra £££

I have a tape adapter already, so this should do in the short term.
Will definitely come back to your site if the full enchilada is the way
I decide to go.
Christian McArdle
2006-04-11 13:09:07 UTC
Post by El Badgerino
The arnipod thing sounds like the best bet based on functionality vs
cost, just a case of whether its worth the extra £££
Your other alternative is to change the whole head unit. It won't cost much
more, but you'll get MP3/CD capability and any other features you fancy.
Obviously, you lose the original equipment look.

