2006-07-20 17:41:11 UTC
As part of the revamp, I think I'll go the fully amped route and the JBL
GTO755.6 seems like a lot of Amp for the money?
Something that could run for speakers and a small sub. Probably one 10",
or may 2 8" subs. I'm not looking for a boom box inside the car, just
some audio with depth.
GTO755.6 seems like a lot of Amp for the money?
Something that could run for speakers and a small sub. Probably one 10",
or may 2 8" subs. I'm not looking for a boom box inside the car, just
some audio with depth.
Carl Robson
Audio stream: http://www.bouncing-czechs.com:8000/samtest
Homepage: http://www.bouncing-czechs.com
Carl Robson
Audio stream: http://www.bouncing-czechs.com:8000/samtest
Homepage: http://www.bouncing-czechs.com