Thanks for the help, just done it and it took about 45 minutes all told.
Your instructions were correct except step 6. On ours there were 2
screws under the panel above the drive computer and one 10mm bolt under
the fop of the dash. That was the one that prevents the unit sliding out
when you followed the instructions in the manual. Bit disappointed the
factory manual did not completely describe the process.
Having taken door panels of various cars in the past and a trouble
getting them back on properly, I was nervous about removing the dash
top. It came off and went back on so easy that I was really impressed.
The new system sounds much better than the factory one and it plays MP3
CD's as well; just a pity that Autoleads don't have an adapter yet for
the steering wheel controls.
Post by Oliver Gunnell1.remove the rubber strip around doors, near a pillar panels.
2.pull off a pillar pannels
3.pull off little cap near windshield at front left
4.pull off the top of the dash, theyre may be still be a screw somewhere
5.unscrew two screws at the bottom of centre console
6.take out three 10mm bolts on top of headunit - u can see them from the top
7.it SHOULD slide out now - if not look for some more screws or bolts
8.if uve got the computer screen one, u need to unscrew that from the BIG
unit that comes out, the headunit comes out with the screen(or blanking